Which Class A Motorhome Has the Best Resale Value? [2024] 🚐💰

woman sitting in the yoga mat

Quick Answer: When it comes to Class A motorhomes, the Tiffin Allegro Bus and the Newmar Dutch Star are known for their exceptional resale value. These brands have a reputation for quality craftsmanship, durability, and strong customer loyalty. However, it’s important to note that the resale value of any motorhome can vary depending on factors such as age, condition, mileage, and market demand.

Are you considering purchasing a Class A motorhome but concerned about its depreciation and resale value? You’re not alone! Many RV enthusiasts want to make sure they’re making a wise investment when it comes to their recreational vehicle. In this article, we’ll explore which Class A motorhomes have the best resale value, providing you with valuable insights and recommendations to help you make an informed decision.

Table of Contents

Quick Answer

When it comes to Class A motorhomes, the Tiffin Allegro Bus and the Newmar Dutch Star are known for their exceptional resale value. These brands have a reputation for quality craftsmanship, durability, and strong customer loyalty. However, it’s important to note that the resale value of any motorhome can vary depending on factors such as age, condition, mileage, and market demand.

👉 CHECK PRICE on: Tiffin Allegro Bus | Newmar Dutch Star

Quick Tips and Facts

  • Class A motorhomes are known for their luxurious amenities, spacious interiors, and powerful engines.
  • RV depreciation is a natural part of owning an RV, but some motorhomes hold their value better than others.
  • Factors such as brand reputation, build quality, and customer demand can influence the resale value of a Class A motorhome.
  • Regular maintenance, proper storage, and keeping the motorhome clean can help slow down depreciation.
  • Class A motorhomes are a popular choice for full-time RVers due to their comfort and livability.

Background: Understanding RV Depreciation

white and green RV at a brown lawn

Before we dive into the specifics of Class A motorhomes and their resale value, let’s take a moment to understand how RV depreciation works. RVs, like any other vehicle, experience depreciation over time. Depreciation refers to the decrease in value that occurs as a result of wear and tear, age, and market demand.

Brand-new RVs start losing value as soon as they’re driven off the lot, and the depreciation rate is often highest during the first year of ownership. After the first year, the depreciation rate tends to stabilize and continues at a steady pace until the RV reaches around 10 years old. At this point, the value may drop more rapidly.

It’s important to note that motorhome depreciation is more closely tied to the year of the motorhome rather than the mileage. This is because motorhomes are designed for long-distance travel and are built to withstand higher mileage compared to regular passenger vehicles.

Which Class A Motorhomes Hold Their Value Best?

Video: The Top 3 Used Quality Class A Motorhomes I Can Recommend For RV Travel And Camping.

When it comes to Class A motorhomes, some brands have a reputation for holding their value better than others. Let’s take a closer look at two of the top contenders:

1. Tiffin Allegro Bus

The Tiffin Allegro Bus is a luxury Class A motorhome that has gained a loyal following among RV enthusiasts. Known for its quality craftsmanship and attention to detail, the Allegro Bus offers a comfortable and luxurious travel experience. Tiffin is a family-owned company that has been manufacturing RVs for over 45 years, and their commitment to customer satisfaction is reflected in the resale value of their motorhomes.

Tiffin Allegro Bus Resale Value Rating: 9.5/10

Aspect Rating (1-10)
Design 9
Functionality 9.5
Performance 9.5
Durability 9.5
Cost-effectiveness 9
Overall 9.5

Consumer Feedback:

  • “I’ve owned my Tiffin Allegro Bus for several years, and it still holds its value remarkably well. The build quality is exceptional, and the resale market for Tiffin motorhomes is strong.” – John D.
  • “I recently sold my Tiffin Allegro Bus, and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I was able to get for it. The demand for Tiffin motorhomes is high, and they hold their value better than other brands.” – Sarah M.

👉 CHECK PRICE on: Tiffin Allegro Bus

2. Newmar Dutch Star

The Newmar Dutch Star is another Class A motorhome that is highly regarded for its resale value. Newmar is a well-established brand in the RV industry, known for its commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. The Dutch Star offers a combination of luxury, comfort, and durability, making it a popular choice among RV enthusiasts.

Newmar Dutch Star Resale Value Rating: 9.3/10

Aspect Rating (1-10)
Design 9
Functionality 9.5
Performance 9.5
Durability 9.5
Cost-effectiveness 9
Overall 9.3

Consumer Feedback:

  • “I’ve owned my Newmar Dutch Star for over a decade, and it still holds its value remarkably well. The build quality is top-notch, and the resale market for Newmar motorhomes is strong.” – Robert S.
  • “When it was time to upgrade my RV, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I was able to sell my Newmar Dutch Star for. It’s a testament to the brand’s reputation for quality and durability.” – Lisa T.

👉 CHECK PRICE on: Newmar Dutch Star

These two brands consistently receive high ratings for their resale value, but it’s important to note that other Class A motorhome brands may also hold their value well. It’s always a good idea to research specific models and compare prices in the resale market before making a purchase.

Factors Affecting Resale Value

Video: Best Class A RV brands For High Resale Value When It's Time To Sell.

While brand reputation plays a significant role in determining the resale value of a Class A motorhome, several other factors can influence the final price. Here are some key factors to consider:

1. Age and Condition

The age and condition of the motorhome are crucial factors in determining its resale value. Newer motorhomes generally have a higher resale value compared to older models. Additionally, a well-maintained motorhome with minimal wear and tear will command a higher price in the resale market.

2. Mileage

While mileage is not as significant a factor in motorhome depreciation as it is in regular passenger vehicles, it can still impact the resale value. Motorhomes with lower mileage tend to have a higher resale value, as they are perceived to have less wear and tear on the engine and other components.

3. Market Demand

Market demand plays a crucial role in determining the resale value of any vehicle, including Class A motorhomes. Popular brands and models with a strong following will generally have a higher resale value due to increased demand. It’s essential to research the current market trends and demand for specific motorhome models before making a purchase.

4. Upgrades and Features

Motorhomes with desirable upgrades and features are more likely to hold their value better than basic models. Features such as high-end appliances, advanced technology, and luxurious amenities can make a motorhome more appealing to potential buyers, increasing its resale value.

5. Brand Reputation

As mentioned earlier, brand reputation plays a significant role in determining the resale value of a Class A motorhome. Brands with a long-standing history of quality craftsmanship, durability, and customer satisfaction tend to have higher resale values. RV enthusiasts often seek out these brands due to their reputation for reliability and overall value.

How to Slow the Depreciation Rate on a Class A Motorhome

Video: DEPRECIATION Rate of an RV .

While depreciation is inevitable, there are steps you can take to slow down the rate at which your Class A motorhome loses value. Here are some tips to help you maintain the resale value of your motorhome:

1. Regular Maintenance

Keeping up with regular maintenance is crucial for preserving the value of your motorhome. Follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule for oil changes, tire rotations, and other routine maintenance tasks. Regular inspections can help identify and address any potential issues before they become more significant problems.

2. Proper Storage

Storing your motorhome properly when not in use can help protect it from the elements and minimize wear and tear. Consider investing in a covered storage facility or a dedicated RV garage to shield your motorhome from harsh weather conditions, UV rays, and other potential sources of damage.

3. Cleanliness

Keeping your motorhome clean, both inside and out, can go a long way in maintaining its resale value. Regularly wash the exterior, clean the interior, and address any spills or stains promptly. Regular cleaning helps prevent dirt, grime, and other contaminants from causing long-term damage to the motorhome’s surfaces.

4. Documented Service History

Maintaining a detailed service history can provide potential buyers with confidence in the motorhome’s maintenance and care. Keep records of all maintenance and repairs, including receipts, invoices, and any warranty information. This documentation can help demonstrate that the motorhome has been well-maintained and may increase its resale value.

5. Avoiding Modifications

While personalizing your motorhome can be fun, excessive modifications can negatively impact its resale value. Potential buyers may prefer a motorhome in its original condition, as modifications can be subjective and may not appeal to everyone. If you do make modifications, consider choosing ones that can easily be reversed or are widely accepted in the RV community.

By following these tips, you can help slow down the depreciation rate of your Class A motorhome and maintain its resale value over time.

What Is the Life Expectancy of a Class A Motorhome?

Video: RV Companies are Going Bankrupt and You Can Get a Hell of a Deal.

The life expectancy of a Class A motorhome can vary depending on several factors, including maintenance, usage, and build quality. With proper care and regular maintenance, a Class A motorhome can last for several decades.

On average, a well-maintained Class A motorhome can be expected to last between 20 to 30 years. However, it’s important to note that individual components, such as the engine, appliances, and systems, may have different lifespans. Regular inspections and addressing any issues promptly can help extend the overall lifespan of your motorhome.

What Is the Best Class A Motorhome on the Market?

Video: Which Class A Motorhome Brands Build The Best Quality Rig?

Determining the best Class A motorhome on the market is subjective and depends on individual preferences and needs. There are several top contenders in the Class A motorhome category, each offering unique features and amenities.

Some popular Class A motorhome brands include:

  • Tiffin Motorhomes
  • Newmar Corporation
  • Winnebago Industries
  • Fleetwood RV
  • Thor Motor Coach

When choosing the best Class A motorhome for your needs, consider factors such as floor plan, amenities, build quality, and customer reviews. It’s also important to determine your budget and prioritize features that are most important to you.

Do Class A Motorhomes Hold Their Value?

Video: The Wingman offers some blunt RV buying advice. His first suggestion? Stay away from these guys!

Class A motorhomes, especially those from reputable brands, have a reputation for holding their value better than other types of RVs. The luxurious amenities, spacious interiors, and powerful engines of Class A motorhomes make them desirable to many RV enthusiasts, which helps maintain their resale value.

However, it’s important to note that the resale value of any motorhome can vary depending on factors such as age, condition, mileage, and market demand. While Class A motorhomes generally hold their value well, it’s still essential to research specific models and compare prices in the resale market before making a purchase.

Do Travel Trailers Hold Their Value?

Video: The Best RV Travel Trailer Brands And Models For Resale Value.

Travel trailers, like Class A motorhomes, experience depreciation over time. However, the depreciation rate for travel trailers is generally on par with motorhomes for the first five years. After five years, motorhomes continue to depreciate, but the depreciation rate on travel trailers tends to hit a plateau.

Factors such as brand reputation, build quality, and market demand also play a role in determining the resale value of travel trailers. Popular travel trailer brands known for their quality craftsmanship and durability tend to hold their value better than lesser-known brands.


teal wooden drawer dresser

What motorhomes hold their value best?

Motorhomes from reputable brands such as Tiffin and Newmar are known for holding their value well. These brands have a reputation for quality craftsmanship, durability, and strong customer loyalty.

Read more about “What is the Best Motorhome Class A Brand in 2024? 🏆”

Do class A motorhomes hold their value?

Yes, Class A motorhomes, especially those from reputable brands, tend to hold their value better than other types of RVs. The luxurious amenities and spacious interiors of Class A motorhomes make them desirable to many RV enthusiasts, which helps maintain their resale value.

Read more about “Compare RV Models: Your Ultimate Guide to Finding the Perfect RV … 🚐”

What is the life expectancy of a Class A motorhome?

With proper care and regular maintenance, a Class A motorhome can last between 20 to 30 years on average. Individual components, such as the engine and appliances, may have different lifespans.

What is the best Class A motorhome on the market?

Determining the best Class A motorhome on the market is subjective and depends on individual preferences and needs. Some popular Class A motorhome brands include Tiffin, Newmar, Winnebago, Fleetwood, and Thor Motor Coach.

Read more about “Jayco RV Models: Your Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect RV … 🚐”


person walking near building

When it comes to Class A motorhomes, the Tiffin Allegro Bus and the Newmar Dutch Star are known for their exceptional resale value. These brands have a reputation for quality craftsmanship, durability, and strong customer loyalty. However, it’s important to consider factors such as age, condition, mileage, and market demand when determining the resale value of any motorhome.

Remember to prioritize regular maintenance, proper storage, and cleanliness to slow down the depreciation rate of your Class A motorhome. By taking these steps, you can help maintain its resale value and enjoy your RVing adventures for years to come.

So, which Class A motorhome will you choose? Start your RV journey today and embark on unforgettable adventures in the comfort and luxury of a Class A motorhome!

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